Wusong Innovation City is located at the north gateway of Shanghai, at the intersection of Baoshan District and downtown Shanghai. The site is located in the south of Wusong Innovation City, at the junction of Wizaobang and HuangpuRiver.The site faces the Huangpu River to the east. The Wenzaobang and Sitang River are two important rivers crossing the site. It has a good waterfront environment and shows strong landscape shaping potential. Since the late 19th century, the Boatel site was designated to occupy a key role in the industrialization of North Shanghai. Connected to the Wusong settlement, it enjoyed a privileged positionin the mouth of the Huangpu River. Plans for the establishment of Shanghai’s major port and industrial core were constant throughout history. The Landscape Masterplan is designed with strong character, integrating all the design areas and highlighting the atmosphere of the industrial heritage elements . Aiming to create complex urban spaces in each of the areas, the design focus on the introduction of rich public space areas and diverse activities, enhancing the infrastructure.
The Landscape design strategy combines strategies to preserve the industrial memory enhancing sustainable design, with special focus in the space structure and adding new programming to revitalize the site, becoming a new center for the city. Wenzaobancanal waterfront gets transformed from an industrial service area to a vibrant public lineal park that integrates different character zones in relationship with the city, creating interesting spaces in relationship with the water with strong sense of sustainability and cultural values.
The master plan structure and open space structure makes special focus in the development of the two main axes: the heritage core axes interconnecting the different character zones and the blue axes in Wenzaobang Canal that creates a new urban corridor in the city. The landscape areas welcome visitors of all ages. With rich pocket spaces to enjoy activities and embodying the principles of sustainability. Reinforcing the presence of the heritage elements and the canals, and naturalizing the city environment, the landscape develops a lot of different spaces and features while maintaining unity in the design. Shanghai Wusong Steel Innovation City aims to be a beacon for sustainable design principles. This includes the establishment of a robust ‘Sponge City Strategy’ that uses aseries of functional water bodies to manage water flow, improve water quality,and reduce water run-off. Measures include the canal and lake area with waterfront filtering gardens, the station area rooftop and green roofs of the surrounding buildings, and the use of permeable paving when appropriate.